Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chap 6 Blog, Wiki, Podcasts

The section on Twitter didn't change my mind on it at all. I understand the purpose of it at it conception was to help keep people in contact with one another, but what it has become to me is just a place for celebrities to speak their minds about every mundane thing going on  in their day, and then the media reporting on it. I do not believe that Twitter is being used for its original purpose anymore and is more of a nuisance and annoyance than anything else.
The section on social bookmarking services I found very informative. Since we have been using in class this section was easy to follow. I have found this service to be very beneficial and I believe it will be a wonderful asset to have in the future as an educator. As I come across different sites now that have do to with education, I add them to my delicious account and tag them appropriately, I then will be able to go back to them by their tags in the future and use them for teaching different lessons and or for different resources to help with lesson plans. Having everything in one place that I can access from any computer with Internet access is a great asset to have.

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